What To Expect
Glorifying God is a priority at our church. At our services, you'll find a traditional service with hymns and a choir, interspersed with the teaching of the Word of God in an expository style, prayers for the needs of those gathered, as well as contemporary elements such as projected lyrics special contemporary praise songs you'll hear on your local Christian radio, and casual dress. You may find yourself standing beside someone in a tie, or someone in a t-shirt. Whatever you wear, we welcome you to visit our church!. At Winton Baptist, we as a church family would love for you to become part of our family.
1. Come to a service, Check us out! You belong here.
2. Get involved! You stay where you are invested.
3. We want to get to know you! Fill out a guest card and someone will contact you.
4. If you have any other needs, please let us know. We serve Jesus by serving you.